Chuong (Ryan) Huynh

Ph.D. Student in Computer Science at Univeristy of Maryland, College Park

chuonghm (at) cs (dot) umd (dot) edu

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Since 2021, I've had the privilege of serving as a Graduate Assistant in Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, College Park, guided by the esteemed Prof. Abhinav Shrivastava. My journey into the realms of research and artificial intelligence began at VinAI Research, Vietnam, where I contributed as a Research Engineer and AI Resident, under the mentorship of Prof. Minh Hoai. This path was set in motion after earning my B.S. in Computer Science in 2018 from the University of Science, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, with Prof. Minh-Triet Tran providing invaluable guidance.

My academic and professional endeavors have been enriched by collaborations with esteemed colleagues at VinAI Research, Adobe Research, and especially with Khoi Pham at UMD (now with Meta), whose insights and support have been pivotal. On a personal note, my journey would not have been possible without the unwavering support of my wife, Quynh Phung, whose encouragement has been my constant source of strength.

My primary research interest lies in the field of computer vision, with a particular focus on 2D scene understanding. Currently, I am deeply engaged in exploring interactive segmentation, pursuing advancements in highly detailed segmentation, and delving into the intricacies of matting. Additionally, I am fascinated by the convergence of computer vision and natural language processing (NLP). My goal here is to harness the synergy between these domains to elevate our comprehension of visual content through the lens of language.

My research has also extended into medical image analysis, 3D human pose estimation, and object detection, reflecting my broad interest in applying computer vision across diverse challenges.


Feb, 2024: I got two papers accepted at CVPR 2024!

May, 2023: I joined Adobe Research as an intern with Joon-Young Lee

Feb, 2023; I got one paper accepted at CVPR 2023!

May, 2022: I joined Adobe Photoshop ART as a research intern with Yuqian Zhou.

March, 2022: I got internship offers from Amazon Visual Search and Adobe Photoshop ART!

Aug, 2021: I started my Ph.D. life at UMD!

May, 2021: I started a new role as a research engineer at VinAI Research, Vietnam!

March, 2021: A paper on high-resolution semantic segmentation is accepted at CVPR 2021!

July, 2019: I started my AI Research Resident journey at VinAI Research, Vietnam!




Lecturer at VietAI



Last update: Apr 24th, 2024